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A parent can ruin teachers’ lives by filing a complaint or a lawsuit even if a teacher is ultimately exonerated, they will have suffered through an intrusive investigation and faced accusation of misconduct-or “grooming”-that will never fade away completely.

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That’s the point: The law has a chilling effect on speech, frightening educators into silence. 8, teachers will stop mentioning LGBTQ issues once this bill takes effect. Just as doctors stopped performing abortions when Texas passed S.B. 1557, the threat of enforcement will hang over school districts. Think You’re Pretty Smart? Prove It With This Week’s Quiz.Įven if no parent ever sues under H.B. The Unavoidable Factor That Could Determine the War in Ukraine The Police Are Now Telling a Very Different Story About What Happened in Uvalde With this vigilante scheme, Florida has copied from Texas’ playbook, empowering private citizens to enforce oppressive laws through direct legal action. This award could run well into the tens of thousands of dollars and almost surely result in the termination of the offending teacher. If a court agrees that an instructor violated the law, it may issue an injunction, damages, and attorneys’ fees to the parents. Aggrieved parents have a more direct option: They can sue the school district.

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