Rehoboth beach gay pride week

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It's not being held, however, until early October this year, with other Pride events in neighboring states and municipalities also taking place in later months. This festival in the state capital region is the largest LGBTQ gathering in the First State and gives the community exposure on a statewide level, promoting platforms of diversity and equality.

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Most people familiar with the Oldfather Group's home base in Rehoboth Beach know that this area has a pretty significant LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) community that's centered around Baltimore Avenue and the extremely active CAMP Rehoboth Community Center.įor years, first Steve Elkins and now David Mariner have overseen CAMP Rehoboth, its programs and the huge number of volunteers who help the organization run smoothly year after year in the 'Nation's Summer Capital.'ĬAMP Rehoboth members play a big part each year in the annual Delaware Pride Festival in Dover, as they almost certainly will again in 2021. June is 'Pride Month' in the United States, an opportunity to recognize the struggles of the country's gay and lesbian communities and an even greater chance to foster inclusion and acceptance of all Americans.

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